
I have been standing here too long
Counting all that I’ve lost
The love of my life is mute
Ignoring my advances to have her close
Building walls with pillars of my love
Anchoring my love for her on lies
Of her past lover

How many times do I have to call
When I know she won’t pick up?
How many words do I have to speak
To ears blocked with hate
For all beings male?

Does she care what I do?
Does she care what i feel?
Does she care who I spend my time with?
She’s left me in a state of apathy

She cares of nothing about us
what i thought we had
never existed in the first place

I’m back in this room I know too well
Soon the blood shall flow
And the smell will summon them
The hungry mongrels
To grab my heart pieces
like roasted hooves
of a slain lamb

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