😒😒A Letter to the Living Dead😒😒

I have written before
But, I will write some more
My letters do reach you and I hope you’ll answer

My dearest husband, this isn’t the life we dreamt of, and that doesn’t cause me pain. What hurts me is that you created us and broke us when you sighted a virtual petite half your age.
I now live in permanent fear because I dread the question, what will I tell them when they begin asking about you?
Should I lie?

Or do I just make it clear that my thighs weren’t warm enough to bring you home? Will these children understand? Because I have seen the question in their eyes, it just remains unspoken.

Forgive me for not beginning with a greeting of any kind, for 9 years are too long and a lot have changed in this life and so are my priorities. This is a microwave age, you hit the spot, no dilly-dallying. Plus, wouldn’t greeting you unearth the beautiful memories I’ve buried in our backyard?

I don’t want to remember you, at least as the man I married. These memories are razors too sharp to cut, so they burn: all the dreams of our children, all the promises we made to them in the hospital, and all the longings of my heart for the man you were before short skirts short wired your brain.

I had seen it coming, the siren was loud enough to awaken the dead but it wasn’t loud enough to enlighten a fool in love. The nights were lonely and sleep was elusive, the nights you locked yourself in your study and wore your thick glasses and began your lessons, only for sexual noises to flood my room hours later.

And I would hear you unlocking the bedroom door and slink into my sheets, you’d spend the night moaning strange names and shit talking. It might have taken long but I knew the internet woman had taken my place in your loins.

And I hoped, prayed, and wrote letters to heaven to give me my husband back, but all the while you had gotten used to flawless thighs the world had to offer, albeit virtually.
I wasn’t a woman enough to satisfy your sexual needs, but d’you mean to say a motion picture is warmer than me? It would be different if you cheated with a living female, but I swallowed my pride and prayed some more for things to change.

Every night as I tucked my children, I hugged them tighter, and in every hug was a whispered prayer that they might have a taste of the man I married. The loving husband, the caring father and the foundation of our home but you were too busy making love to your virtual women to chorus the Hail Mary refrain.

The morning you left, I cried. It seemed like any other day but my intuition told me otherwise, deep down I knew there was no conference, but I still waited for the two weeks to elapse in the belief that you couldn’t desert your children. It’s now 9 years and the conference isn’t over yet.

I have heard rumours, of sworn affidavits and changed names. I have also heard rumours of short skirts and young women and late night diners, I was happy when I heard the latter for I knew you were learning to be a man again.

Just so you know, I haven’t been idle, shoot, I’ve got children to feed and school and though we were thrown into the streets like wild dogs, heavens opened its gates and ushered us in. I now have a job, my children are learning with white kids, perhaps they’re taught how to be men.

But wait?

Isn’t that ironical? That the same whites who taught my husband how not to be a man can teach my kids how to be men? I think I need a new school.

Certainly, I didn’t write this letter to tell you all this, what I want is simple. Meet your kids. Give them a chance of knowing how not to be a father.

Don’t ask how I got your address, I changed my name too. And it’s a small world. I’m so sorry I couldn’t approve your tender, my corporation only works with real humans. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

18 thoughts on “😒😒A Letter to the Living Dead😒😒”

          1. The one you included in your reply above. When I click on it, I get this: var pd_map={image_path:(“https:”==document.location.protocol?”https://polldaddy.com”:”http://i0.poll.fm”)+”/images/ratings”};function PDRTJS_url_encode(A){return encodeURIComponent(A).replace(/\%20/g,”+”).replace(/!/g,”%21″).replace(/’/g,”%27″).replace(/\(/g,”%28″).replace(/\)/g,”%29″).replace(/\*/g,”%2A”).replace(/\~/g,”%7E”)}function PDRTJS_is_defined(A){return(typeof A==”undefined”)?false:true}var ratings_text=new Array();ratings_text.text_vote=”Vote”;ratings_text.text_votes=”Votes”;ratings_text.text_rate_this=”Rate This”;ratings_text.text_1_star=”1 star”;ratings_text.text_2_star=”2 stars”;ratings_text.text_3_star=”3 stars”;ratings_text.text_4_star=”4 stars”;ratings_text.text_5_star=”5 stars”;ratings_text.text_thank_you=”Thank You”;ratings_text.text_rate_up=”Rate Up”;ratings_text.text_rate_down=”Rate Down”;ratings_text.text_popcontent=”Most Popular Content”;ratings_text.text_close=”Close”;ratings_text.text_all=”All”;ratings_text.text_today=”Today”;ratings_text.text_thisweek=”This Week”;ratings_text.text_thismonth=”This Month”;ratings_text.text_rated=”Rated”;ratings_text.text_noratings=”There are no rated items for this period”;function PDRTJS_RATING(settings){if(window.devicePixelRatio>1){this.resolution=”retina”}else{this.resolution=”lowres”}var server=(“https:”==document.location.protocol?”https:”:”http:”)+”//polldaddy.com”;for(var property in settings){this[property]=settings[property]}function $(id){return document.getElementById(id)}var pc=”;var c=0;var token=””;this.make_call=function(url){if(this.override!=null){url=url+”&override=true”}var s=document.createElement(“SCRIPT”);s.charset=”utf-8″;s.src=server+url;var h=document.getElementsByTagName(“head”).item(0);h.appendChild(s)};this.callback=function(cb_id,cb_unique_id,cb_type,cb_rating,cb_voter_id,cb_vote_change){if(this.callback_url!=null)

            Liked by 1 person

              1. Oh, okay, that makes sense. I thought you were sending me a link to more information about the piece you wrote. It is an actual letter, isn’t it?

                Liked by 1 person

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