Tag Archives: love blogs

One Question

It’s a long way we’ve come
It’s a long way to go
But I see them barricading our path
As bonfires light
Fuelled by jealousy and ill will
They call us savages
Pulling chains to bind our limbs
So in fire we don’t even twitch
But dear,
Will you let them break us apart?
Or will you let them be?

They say we’re impossible
Like they know bits of us
We’ve never known
Like they’ve felt the heavens of your body
And marvelled at the depth of your thoughts
Like their hands have felt the glory in your breasts
Like their mouths still hoard the lava of your orgasm
They are becoming gods
Trying to fix our brokenness with
Should and should-nots
Just tell me this;
Will you let them break us apart?
Or will you let them be?

Do they know how far we’ve come?
When the ground was our bed
And rock stone our pillow (S.M)
When sunrise brought with it
Empty pots and cold fireplace
When doors banged on our faces
And friends became few
When providence never sojourned
And we lay destitute and desolate
Remind them, in these days
We found reasons to smile
I found home in your embrace
And warmth in your mons
And I gave you a promise
But, they won’t tire,
Dem loading their guns
Shooting our dreams
While time flees
So dreams will be dreams
They want to entice you
To pressure me
For them to oppress us
So tell me,
Will you let them break us apart?
Or will you let them be?