One Question

It’s a long way we’ve come
It’s a long way to go
But I see them barricading our path
As bonfires light
Fuelled by jealousy and ill will
They call us savages
Pulling chains to bind our limbs
So in fire we don’t even twitch
But dear,
Will you let them break us apart?
Or will you let them be?

They say we’re impossible
Like they know bits of us
We’ve never known
Like they’ve felt the heavens of your body
And marvelled at the depth of your thoughts
Like their hands have felt the glory in your breasts
Like their mouths still hoard the lava of your orgasm
They are becoming gods
Trying to fix our brokenness with
Should and should-nots
Just tell me this;
Will you let them break us apart?
Or will you let them be?

Do they know how far we’ve come?
When the ground was our bed
And rock stone our pillow (S.M)
When sunrise brought with it
Empty pots and cold fireplace
When doors banged on our faces
And friends became few
When providence never sojourned
And we lay destitute and desolate
Remind them, in these days
We found reasons to smile
I found home in your embrace
And warmth in your mons
And I gave you a promise
But, they won’t tire,
Dem loading their guns
Shooting our dreams
While time flees
So dreams will be dreams
They want to entice you
To pressure me
For them to oppress us
So tell me,
Will you let them break us apart?
Or will you let them be?

Defy Gravity


This life we’re given is short
Too short to see enough
Too short to do enough
But still we make a difference

We rise beyond limits
We heal with every compliment
We strive, we triumph, we learn
We live for others
We share, we cure
The hollowness of a heart

But this life is precious
The candle may burnout
Before we reach the end of the tunnel
Then we lie we lived to the fullest
And graves become wealthier

We apportion blames
For goals unattained
Excuses relieving us
But puzzles remain unsolved

I did my part…
The marketer failed me
The lecturer failed me
The pastor robbed me
My parents broke me!

The greatest man I know
Bob Nesta Marley
Impacted the world
With positive vibrations
Without a social media account!

So Rise, Rise
Legends aren’t made
In comfort zones

Zion Awaits your arrival

Dearest move with me
Don’t let my long strides
Leave you behind
Walk much faster dear
This place isn’t home
It has vampires and vermin
Baying for your blood
The vampires slither
Smoothly in darkness
Their fangs out
Walk dear, walk on

The rain will be here
Look at the sky
The dark clouds hang
Ready to spew on us
Everything is against us
No friends
No family
Nature hurls its storms at us
Just cling dear
Cling onto my scarf dear
It throttles me but hang on
It’s a small price I pay

Now move, your feet blistered
Ankles failing
Don’t give in
We’ll heal in our safe haven
Your mouth trembles
Don’t speak
Just move
For Zion isn’t for the weak
Let’s get to Zion
Let’s get to Zion
For glory awaits you there

Call the Taxi

Women are angels until they fall in love
After that their wings get broken
They become wingless angels
And then they become slaves
And blame it on love

Woman can’t you see?
That he beats you coz he’s afraid
He knows you’re worth more
Than he can ever offer
He knows as soon as your wings grow
Far away you’ll go

So why enslave yourself
And blame it on love?
Love is God
And God is freedom
If truly you know love,
Pack your bags and call the taxi
For you don’t know the hour of his coming
To knock off your remaining set of teeth.



One of the transitions that break hearts,
Kills dreams and belittles everything
But emboldens incompleteness…

It was a delicious meal, BUT too much fat
She’s beautiful, BUT she’s got a small ass
He is very bright, BUT so hostile
He’s very talented, BUT damn broke
He earns a lot, BUT he’s mean
He loves a lot, BUT he loves the wrong people
……….Et cetera, et cetera………..
The last time my complement transited with a BUT…
I felt its end sour in my mouth before it was spoken
It’s worse when it comes from someone more broken
More desolate,
More beaten
Until you ask yourself who really needs a complement
So I ask can’t a sentence ever be complete without BUT?
Can’t we appreciate the good things
And make them bold enough
For others to see?

Death is late


I will write a letter and toss it in the wind
Or strip your hammock and toss in the river
I might be dead when they reach you
Nothing has changed
Yet nothing has remained the same
The gods have been vexed
All this time they’ve held rain

Grass still grows
Watered by endless flow of blood
The valley has changed its appeal
The shades we once rested under
Now home rotting humans
And vultures feast
The freedom fighters have fought the system
Then rebelled against their prior motives
They kill anything in human gait

But still….
The government lives
Not counting the ones lost
They fly outside to drink and dine
Because this nation is rotten
Their appetite might wane

When they took you, bro,
I couldn’t fight them
That’s cowardice I know
But death isn’t for the brave either

Bro, this nation is rich
You could have seen their arsenal
Yet, war isn’t cheap
Neither is peace affordable

Remember the cave we hid in?
They blew it up
Hundreds died in there
And smoke and dust soared high
As the blast drowned
Their shouts of victory

My turn is coming
I’ve dreamt about it with eyes open
I saw its end…
Somewhere in a vultures poop
I’m still lying here in wait
I know the bullets won’t reach me in time
This hunger, cold and fear won’t wait

We’ll overcome

I have watched your face cringe
At the sight of me
I have heard you say you hate me
The nights have refused to go
Darkness blankets our lives
Suffocating us
In the depths of its palms
So all we do is fight,
Fighting ourselves
Because we’re too frightened
To step outside and face our tragedy

I have watched your doubts grow
Fuelled by absence of affection
In words I say
The black soot of doom
Encapsulated the promises I made
I couldn’t keep them anymore

We’ve morphed into new beings
Oblivious of what love means
Can’t we coexist even in hate?
This bull-matador affair
We’ll leave us bruised

I want to touch a part of you
The scariest parts you’ve always
Concealed with a fake smile
I want to feel them
These parts you’ve never introduced me to
They might as well love the stranger

My dear, can’t we stop worrying?
Whatever happens
Or fails to happen
We belong to us
We can weather the storm
And still be warm with love
There are still parts of me that ache
From prickles in every word you said
But, I still believe
That …
Miracles are wrapped in darkness

Save your Love

They say that internal beauty
Is all that matters,
But the eyes are the windows
Through which they
See all the glamour within you

I looked at yours
I saw malice
There was an edge
Of murderous intent
Poised to strike
To wound
To kill
For earthly fame
And wealth
Who takes killers for spouses?
Save your love
For him

Finding Myself

Open the curtains let the light in
Illuminate the dark corners
Let me find myself
Night stripped me of my identity
My soul hovers
The closets have constricted

There’s a pain in my eyes
Objects swirl before me
Threatening to plunge
Deep, deep, deeper
Into the void within

Emptiness is filled
With suicidal catalysts