Mending your Sky

The sky is blue
And beautiful to view
Every time I look at the sky I wonder if it can be created anew
Every time my eyes stretch beyond the horizon and peel through patches of white clouds into the depth of the blue sky, I wonder what it must have taken the creator to mold something so perfect and I am tempted to raise my hand and leave my signature on the blue canvas , it’s so beautiful

An epitome of serenity
An epithet of longevity
And a testament of God’s divine love for humanity
But the sky is not always as peaceful as it seems to be
Sometimes it gets cloudy; dark clouds parading the sky like rebel angels spelling destruction to all that lay below
Sometimes it splits open sending thunder striking beings sipping life out of them and it laughs as we blame the one on the throne for its atrocities

Whenever I marvel at the carefree nature of the sky the youth comes to mind
Because just like the sky, youth is a multifaceted phenomenon
Youth is beauty; it’s devoid of the wrinkles of the old
Youth is Strength; it shoulders the weight of the society
Youth is vigor; it’s the adrenaline that flies the society
Youth is hope; it holds the key to granaries of prosperity

Who have the strength to walk on the rugged terrains spreading the gospel?
Who have the numbers to stir a socio-political revolution?
Who have the voices to speak change?
The youth……(pause)
It’s only the youth who have the power to rebuild and restore the crumbled pillars of the society
But sometimes it pains my heart to see what the youth have become
We’re chained to depression and anxiety we’ve lost our calm
Isn’t it a bitter irony that our tongues have the power to speak life but we have become dry bones in the valley awaiting the return of Ezekiel?
Swimming in pools of alcohol
Our bodies no longer God’s home
But instruments of self-indulgence
Seeking pleasure like it’s the sole reason for our existence
As chastity lay slain in the depths of our hearts

We no longer hunger for the life giving word
But lost in pursuit of vanities of this world
Forgetting that whatever happened in Sodom,
could happen here if we make this place our home

Just like a lone barrel tossed in the Nile
The youth rummages through sin with a smile
We have veered off the track
Tearing every fabric of the society apart

When goals become long overdue
We try different avenues
Dropping pens for guns,
Getting loose on pants
But in all these you have a price to pay
Needless to say
A price you won’t have to pay,
If only you would submit to Jesus
He who fed the hungry and healed lepers
Won’t he save your neck from life’s scissors?

And he calls on all who are heavy laden
With addictions and life’s burden
Those whose backs break at the weight of sin
Those whose names are akin to guilt
He says forget all the stress
And come to me I’ll give you rest

So change your direction
Step on the clutch
Change your life’s gear and come to church
For it takes submission to Christ
To mend your shredded sky

Atieno Onge’yo Tedo

Atieno ongeyo tedo
Kwone chiek magol odeyo
Jaber kotedo dek
To welo medo didek
Ringe yom, ichwako giyien mobar
Jomakalo eyo kowinjo suya to dwa mana ni obar
Omende ka ibilo to iweyo dhi Kosewe
Ayaye nyathini ong’e tedo diel nyaka lewe

Jodongo kochamo kwon Atieno
To muomo mudho mandiwa gotieno
Gikelo mbaka e dhoda
Kaigalo ni ariambo to penj Rubot wuod Ododa
Obiro koni kaka jaduong’ Othwele mabakane ok rum
Sechego to oseneno ka iro dum

Atieno ong’eyo pidho welo
Kawendo odonjo nyaka oted gweno
gwen opidho mopong’o osera
To donge nyathini jahera?

ologo welo gi pi ma mamormor
miyo welo chiemo gimor
gik medo ndhadhu bende en go kanyo
Dania, hoho, saumu gi karot oromo kado
Apilo makech bende omiyi iketo kendi kaka idwaro

Atieno nyar Ahero to ahero
Jaberni omiyo aweyo sero
Nikech ong’eyo rito ode
Dak imiene giweche chode
Jaberni osekwalo chunya chuth
opogore ginyiri matimre kathuth
ma oheri ka ingi mwandu
bang’e to giringi ka chogo ma onge ndhadhu

Jaber orito wuod nyar kumabor
Wuoyi tinde iye opong’o bor
Ka adonjo jaber miya nyuka
Ok nyuka anyuka okalo ka
nyuka mobagi to oole ei agwata
Sukari okelo e mesa aketo kenda

Bang’ nyuka to aluokra gi pi maliet
Bang’ luok to achamo kuon maliet
Sechego jaber otwe suka lilo, denda bet maliet
Bang’ kuon anindo kuom del mayom to liet
ouma gi onget maliet
kiny ka achiewo to chae maliet
Adhi tich gi chuny mokwe
Omiyo nyathi Ahero to ahero
Omiyo afwenyo ni jadhako ruoth.



Everything slips through her fingers

Her hands a mesh work

Of frailties

She can’t hold onto a thing

Behind her trudges a dark cloud

Of failures magnified

Cynicism  amplified

And hate is eminently inscribed

Deep in her eyes

The orchestra of her heavy breathing

Is in complete harmony

With the crunchy sound

Of the fallen dried paint

That once laced her lungs

Stepped on by irate kin.

With her wagging tongue

She curved her path

Cleared every obstacle

To her destitution

Out of her volition

She got into this mission

To prove she could drive

Her own being to completion

She hated

She received

Amidst complains

She deserved better

And now

No one needs her close

The ungrateful monster


Bitter lesson learnt

Bridges to the past burnt


*** Sometimes I just write things that I cant even classify. Most of the times I see pictures in my mind that I just put down as raw as I see them. Can this be a poem? I don’t know but it is the closest embodiment of what I saw when I closed my ears and listened to voices unheard, humming of strange sort . But still I feel I haven’t put I down in its entirety. Read it and tell me what you think it is. ***** LOve ya’ll



Grab the pillow
Warmth to borrow
It will be long till I come
Sing a song to fill your hollows
Hold the cat to wipe your sorrows
It will be long till I come
Strap the guitar
Break the strings
Release the tension
Calm your rage
For no woman,
Holds me but you
Drink a glass of water
Take a deep breathe
Close your eyes
See me in magical bliss
Open your eyes
To biting reality
To chilling cold
For today you’ll know