Tag Archives: blogging


Of what good is life when pain is all it brings?
Do you move out when agony knows your address?
When the heart beats in defiance,
And your feet steps with uncertainty,
Will the embers spark a fire?
That life might find a new vigor?
Will you bask in the pain of your realities
and hit nails on your casket as worry chars your faith?

These Muhfaks Nearly Killed Me Before Covid 19!

I’ve had a near-death experience this evening. Damn! that was a ball-melting chase. The gov’t boys have given me a chase of my life.
I was coming from Jagero’s hacienda, after a ball-crashing FiFa finale that he lost when I moved right into their net. Bloody muhfaks were in four groups; one to usher you in and the rest to beat your ass senseless.

I saw these muhfakas before I entered the main road, but I thought they were drunkards having a good time. The next thing I saw they were seriously harassing these villagers, at which I made three steps back to read the situation.
Then the car that had been parked at the road began moving, and even let another car pass. Mi thought that was just a normal night with normal drunks. The trouble is, mi cyaant see far. All this time, a tray of people was getting the wrath of the police at a dark corner.

After I’d passed their car, I see this guy beckoning me.
‘Ras, can you run please’, he asked, rather politely.
‘Where to?’
Just like that I was a few steps past the car. So when the door opened, and he leaped forth, he was already late by four steps.😂

That was the first victory, but he kept running and shouting to the boys who were hitting the villagers to catch me. They sprang forth, but the weed in my head had seen the road through them.

Kwach with a laptop on his backpack, fucked-up vision, and weed in his head beat those muhfakas, literally slipped through their fingers.

After beating this group real good, I ran into a waiting car that sped beside me as we went toe to wheels. Vans to Yana. At that point I was almost gimoro 50 mitres kamae to branch.

Damn! we can all be Kipchoges if we’re exposed to these boys at the same epidemic temperatures as now. Those muhfakas blundered big time when they thought my speed would be slow enough for them to keep chase, but still open their doors and grab me.
Big mistake.
I knew they knew I knew they didn’t know where I was going. They also didn’t know when I was gonna slow down, nor when I was going to branch. And in their attempt to block the main road, they left the road home open!
It coulda been serious. I had my laptop in a backpack. I had my weed and lighter in my right pocket and a sanitizer in the left.
These balls are trouble, but they always survive me.

It is time to arrest rising police brutality
Source: People Daily

Broken Earthlings

If you took time to look, you’d see that artists are a very broken lot. We take a lot of shit from people who know nothing about being labelled misfits the minute they realize you’re differently endowed.

It is us (the misfits) they call when they can’t figure their lives out, and we sure know how to help them put their lives back on track.

Shoot! Isn’t there a poem for every problem? Doesn’t a song bandage sores in relationships?

We know how to put everything back on track, but our own lives.

We are safety valves for others. Always preaching optimism, love, and sacrifice, but we hold so much shit within. We hate the person in the mirror. we wrestle daily with our demons. We choke on our inequities everyday, but no! you are strong!

Yeah, you are strong, you will write a poem about it. Darkness is the mother of all creativity. You will overcome as you always do!

I’m learning courage to remind ’em that I am a human being. with broken dreams, failures, a dark past, and a hazy future. I also need help, sometimes just to find a missing pair of socks.

No Resolutions for 2018

Early this year I had a stint with a lady who kept telling me that I’m too hard on myself. I didn’t smoke, didn’t drink, didn’t party, didn’t bet, didn’t …my guard was always on duty, never down. We were not in a relationship, I didn’t own her, she didn’t own me, we just kind of made an unspoken vow to be present for each other whenever testosterone hiked.
I enjoyed the simplicity of the game; there were no entitlements, Just shaky expectations, longer erections and fleeting orgasms. Man, for all the yearnings it felt good being laid by an adult–on birth control.
My routines changed and so was hers, we spent more nights awake and more days lost in lust or nursing our tired genitals. Those were the days I could spend 24 hours in my single room naked. We ate and snacked sex. Nights became shorter and so were the days. In no time, the good boy that vowed never to smoke a thing got his first puff of weed and more followed. In short, my 2017 resolutions lost meaning in January.
I made amends quickly, and today 2017 is one of those years that have brought me immense blessings. I won’t list any here though. I made resolutions that I haven’t accomplished, some were silly af, some were too obvious and some just plain boring. I might not be proud of how the year began, but I’m grateful I met someone who taught me how to let my guard down. As crazy as it sounds, I’m thrilled I did stuff I swore I’d never do. Life is too short to follow routines, too short to keep it together, too short to be a perfect son, too short to be a role model, too short to be sober all the time. So even as 2018 approaches, I won’t make any damn resolution, I just want to live as wild as life was meant to be; smoke a little, read more books, make more enemies, sleep more, slap my landlord with a whole year rent, dance more, scream more ( in this life try hard not to be my neighbor) and just be a little bad, you know, I’ve gotta find something to be forgiven for.
My advice to you as you enter 2018 is to do something that freaks you out; something as odd as having a quickie backstage 5 minutes to your cue in a play you’re the main act! Feel the rush, the dum dum in your chest. Yes, remind yourself, you are only human. Happy New Year folks.